Alter Ego

Acetone Additive

Alter Ego

Acetone Additive by Alter Ego

*New scents launching at Indie Expo 2019*

Add this moisturizing additive to 8-16 ounces of acetone to protect your cuticles from the harshness of acetone use.

The following new scents will be launching at Indie Expo 2019, and will be available after the event in the Alter Ego shop.

  • Nana-In My Opinion (smells like a Nanaimo bar)
  • Tale Of A Beaver (smells like a Beaver Tail)
  • T's Double Shot (smells like a Timmie's Double Double)
  • Maple Everything (smells like maple)

     $6.50 CAD each

    INGREDIENTS: glycerin, Vitamin E, fragrance oil, water.

    Vendor: Alter Ego